Submitted by Pete Linnegar on
Postal Address:
20 Ascot Road Kenilworth
Postal Code:
7 708
Contact Person:
Pete Linnegar
Contact No.:
084 354 0096
Statement on Main Aims of Organisation:
The residents of Lower Kenilworth have established a Special Rating Area - the Lower Kenilworth Improvement
District (LKID) to ensure that we maintain and improve our suburb. The LKID has as its stated purpose the protection
and enhancement of our property values and local environment, and the safeguarding of our residents, scholars,
businesses and visitors by providing top up Municipal Services and Public Safety in the common areas. The LKID
provides services over and above those provided by the City in the area, specifically addressing :
1. Public safety
2. Cleansing & Social Management
3. Environment / Urban Management
4. Communication
In respect of the Environment and Urban Management Portfolio, our current Director is Cindy Postlethwayt, a
heritage practitioner. The Portfolio 5 year business plan includes the registration of the LKID as a Conservation Body
with HWC. The area of jurisdiction of the LKID is a proposed Heritage Protection Overlay in terms of the City of Cape
Town Heritage Audit. The area was developed largely in the late 19th and early 20th century and has a large number of
buildings older than 60 years, many of which are of heritage significance, and a distinctive character established by
the scale and architecture of our Victorian, Edwardian and Arts and Crafts buildings in particular, and our historical
landscaping patterns. The LKID wish to ensure the on-going heritage significance of the area and hereby apply for
registration as a Conservation Body in order to receive notice of any applications in terms of the NHRA in our area.
Categories of Heritage:
All applications in terms of sections 27, 31, 34, 36, 37, 38 in terms of the NHRA.