Archaeology, Palaeontology and Meteorites, Burials/Graves and Repository Registration Form - Section 27, 35 and 36 of the NHRA

Heritage Western Cape is the permitting authority for all work proposed on Archaeological or Palaeontological sites, as well as meteorites, burials and graves (outside of a municipal cemetery) in the Western Cape.

Required Documents for Submission

please take note of the HWC Minimum Standards for APM Reports requirements

For applications in terms of Section 27, 35 and 36

Completed S27/35/36 application form, duly completed and signed (see below)
Locality map.
Description of proposed research, destruction, excavation, sampling and other analysis of site or associated material
Photographs – contextual photographs relevant to the application.
Repository Agreement (i.e. IZIKO or any other accredited and suitable institution)
Proof of payment with correct reference number (Please request a case number from for reference)
Written comments of the applicable local authority.
Written comments of registered conservation bodies in the area – if in doubt, kindly ask the staff member on duty, or consult the conservation body map.

In terms of Section 36 (3) of the NHRA no person may, without a permit issued by the relevant heritage resources authority:
a) destroy, damage, alter, exhume or remove from its original position or otherwise disturb the grave of a victim of conflict, or any burial ground or part thereof which contains such graves;
b) destroy, damage, alter, exhume or remove from its original position or otherwise disturb any grave or burial ground older than 60 years which is situated outside a formal cemetery administered by a local authority; or
c) bring onto or use at a burial ground or grave referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) any excavation equipment, or any equipment which assists in the detection or recovery of metals.

The following documentation is required upon submission:
1. Completed and signed Section 36 application form (signed by applicant and owner where applicable).
2. A Power of Attorney must be submitted should the owner not have signed the application form
3. Proof of ownership to be submitted
4. Repository Agreement (i.e., IZIKO or any other accredited and suitable institution)
5. Locality:
5.1. Clear Locality Plan or Map and KMZ file – the map must be legible with identifiable street names or towns
5.2. Scaled Topographical map (1:50 000)– if no KMZ file has been provided.
6. Annotated Photographs of the site or contextual photographs relevant to the application
7. Motivation in terms of heritage grounds the necessity of the exhumation or rescue of human remain/s
8. Consultation:
8.1. Local Authority comments / Local Municipality comments
8.2. Registered conservation body comment - A complete list can be found at
8.3. Identified or known stakeholders

1. Completed signed Section 35 Excavations Application form signed by applicant
2. Locality Plan:
2.1. Clear Locality Map and KMZ file – the map must be legible with identifiable street names or nearby towns
3. Repository Agreement (i.e., IZIKO or any other accredited and suitable institution)
4. Description of proposed research, destruction, sampling and other analysis of the objects or associated material, including an outline of the methodology
5. Motivation in terms of heritage grounds the necessity of the proposed scope of works, and how it will contribute to the archaeological record
6. Registered conservation body comment - A complete list can be found at

a. The responsible heritage authority must at its discretion ensure that objects are lodged with a museum or other public institution that has a collection policy, proven capacity to conserve and curate acceptable to the heritage resources authority and may in so doing establish such terms and conditions as it sees fit for the conservation of such objects.
b. Establish a relationship with, and encourage, manage, assist and monitor compliance with local, provincial and national museums, universities and other institutions who wish to (or currently) store, curate and display archaeological material, as well as formalise existing storage facilities;
c. Establish a database of available repositories for use by Heritage Authorities, academics, researchers, students and archaeological contractors;
d. Create and encourage easier access to local and provincial museums for communities and foster a sense of “custodianship” and responsibility of archaeological material within the local communities. Researchers must facilitate participatory engagement with local communities;
e. Implement the HWC Council - approved Policy and Guidelines for the Management of Archaeological Material;
f. Pave the way and establish a reference point for temporary and permanent storage policies and current repositories for human remains and palaeontological material (which will be subject to an additional repository registration process).

The following documentation is required upon submission:
1. Completed signed application form
